ASD Pathway

ASD Pathway

A clinical assessment for ASD typically involves a one-on-one review, interviews with parents, carers, or family members as appropriate, and obtaining collateral information from others who know the individual well or have worked closely with them. This process can involve multiple sessions and usually includes the use of a structured assessment tool, such as the ADI-R or ADOS. Additionally, reports from other specialists, such as a functional assessment, may be included at the clinical discretion of the assessing psychiatrist.

The final session of the assessment process often involves providing feedback, clinical opinions, and recommendations. This session also allows the individual and their family or carers to ask questions. Following the assessment, a letter is sent to the GP or referrer, as applicable.

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Serenity Alliance

ABN -89 950 956 295
Phone no: (08) 6245 2482

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"We do NOT provide emergency or urgent care. In case of emergencies please dial 000. For out of hours assistance you can also contact Beyond Blue on 13 224 636 or Lifeline on 131 114."

Serenity Alliance

ABN -89 950 956 295
Phone no: (08) 6245 2482

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"We do NOT provide emergency or urgent care. In case of emergencies please dial 000. For out of hours assistance you can also contact Beyond Blue on 13 224 636 or Lifeline on 131 114."

Serenity Alliance

ABN -89 950 956 295
Phone no: (08) 6245 2482

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